Our Students Like Latin!
Rev. Ryan J. Ogrodowicz
Feb. 17, 2023

By the grace of God, another week closes at GLS. Again we’re reminded of life in a fallen world ravaged by sin. Snotty noses and sore throats, fevers and doctor visits have lately been commonplace. But, it’s that time of year, too. The paradise of Eden vanished long ago, but we long for restoration in Christ, the time He comes to usher in the new heavens and earth, the time He takes His Church to be with Himself in heaven, when snotty noses, sore throats, fevers, and doctor visits are history. For now, we endure with hope. But a three-day weekend comes just in time.
Yearly I push students a little farther in Latin trying to see what I can get. Two of our combined classes deserve mention. First and second graders are excelling and doing things I’ve never before taught. I’m very proud of these young ones.
They like a challenge and attack the material with zeal. The harder I make it, the more they want to do it.
Our fifth and sixth graders are beginning to excel in Latin composition. This class is fiercely competitive. Students who go to the board to write their sentences better have it right in a class that will argue over mistakes and errors. It’s an impressive sight, with one student asking for a paragraph to compose over the weekend.
We have many talented students and we’re thankful for these kids who reflect caring parents who want the best education for their children. So have a restful weekend and hopefully we all come back refreshed and ready to grab the plow again. When the rows are straight and the crops blossom, we’ll be thankful.
In Christ,
Rev. Ryan Ogrodowicz
Associate Pastor and Headmaster at Grace Lutheran Church & School
1212 West Jefferson | Brenham, Texas | 77833