Dialectics, Commonly Referred to as Logic
Rev. Ryan J. Ogrodowicz
March 3, 2023

Plunging deeper into the art of dialectics shows it’s more than just teaching kids how to analyze argu-ments. Dialectics, commonly referred to as logic, en-tails asking the right question before exploration of the question in dialogue and disputation. Inquisitive teen-agers questioning things may be irksome at times, but natural to a developing mind. It’s questions without the right intellectual framework and moral foundation can lead down dark roads. The right questions from the trained soul can be a tremendous blessing for yielding wisdom.
We want young ones to ask questions, but even more, we want them to find the right answers, another goal of classical education—teaching kids how to think.
Gauging any progress of our students is wise for all of us, hence the reason we annually administer an inde-pendent assessment tests in the Spring. Results are forthcoming and they will be shared with the parents. History shows GLS students scoring exceptionally well and this year I anticipate similar results from our bright minds.
Next week is Lutheran Schools Week and correspond-ence has already gone out via Remind and in an email detailing next week. It’s always a fun way to segue into Spring Break. And finally, note the right-hand column, particularly the Sports-Spirit Squad party this Sunday, March 5th at 5:00pm.
Have a great weekend!
In Christ,
Rev. Ryan Ogrodowicz
Associate Pastor and Headmaster at Grace Lutheran Church & School
1212 West Jefferson | Brenham, Texas | 77833