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GLS News

Gambling with Souls is Playing with Unquenchable Fire. We Can Do Better.

Rev. Ryan J. Ogrodowicz

Nov. 11, 2022

“The 16,000-hour War” is the title to Part I of Peter Hegseth’s intriguing book The Battle for the American Mind. It’s the approximate number of hours kids spend in public school from Kindergarten through 12th grade. His thesis is crystal clear and a clarion call for concern: students are intentionally indoctrinated in Leftist ideologies and agendas destructive to the Christian faith and nuclear family. Kindergarten to graduation….16,000 hours. Let that sink in.

The flesh is weak, sin corrupts, and the devil has power. Christians struggle daily in the faith, as even St. Paul was no exception (Romans 7:13-25). Pride still comes before the fall, but these words are rarely heed-ed. Texas requires 75,600 minutes of school per year, which means 5,040 hours in High School.

A Christian education through 8th grade is a marvelous gift but not one guaranteed to survive over 5,000 hours of secular indoctrination of the atheistic, post-modern worldview that’s been pushed by Progressives for decades.

We should thank God for those who survive in faith and graduate still confessing their Savior. But gambling with souls is playing with unquenchable fire. We can do better.

It pays to have our kids hear God’s voice daily, drink from the wells of ancient thinkers, and learn in an environment wherein the Scriptures reign supreme. This done as long as possible should be the goal of every disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who still speaks “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31).

In Christ,

Rev. Ryan Ogrodowicz

Associate Pastor and Headmaster at Grace Lutheran Church & School

1212 West Jefferson | Brenham, Texas | 77833


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