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GLS News

The wrong word in the wrong place can wreck an entire argument.

Rev. Ryan J. Ogrodowicz

October 28, 2022

Our Logic students recently completed a chapter on terms in valid arguments. Unequivocal, equivocal, and analogous terms demand understanding lest the argument become invalid by a misuse of words negating the conclusion. The wrong word in the wrong place can wreck an entire argument.

Definitions are critical for discourse, otherwise we can’t understand each other. Even worse is when rulers wield words that sound unassailable but hide darker motives. Words like “equality” and “freedom” are common to the American when packed with agendas. A “liberal” education doesn’t mean “now I’m free to do what I want,” though it’s how our ears hear “liberal.” A true liberal education liberates, but not from virtue, truth, and obligations to the neighbor. Classical education liberates the mind from ignorance and propaganda, dangerous group-think and self-destruction. This is a liberty from the self, the human nature prone to evil and insisting on its own way. It’s “the kind of education which sets the mind free from the servitude of the crowd and from vulgar self-interests…” (Climbing Mount Parnassus, pg. 31).

"Classical education liberates the mind from ignorance and propaganda, dangerous group-think and self-destruction."

The liberal education unshackles the mind from ignorance. He is free to pursue wisdom over vice. But in these pursuits, prayers must ascend to Truth Himself Who alone gives freedom from sin, and liberty from the tyranny of death. Jesus still speaks “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

In Christ,

Rev. Ryan Ogrodowicz

Associate Pastor and Headmaster at Grace Lutheran Church & School

1212 West Jefferson | Brenham, Texas | 77833


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